How It Works?

Let’s dive in how you can use Bizreply to generate customers & traffic for your Brand at Scale!

🔥 Step 1

First Create Your Project To Integrate with our aI

  • Enter your brand name in the project setup.
  • Enter your domain name for integration.
  • Add a description of your brand.
Sign Up For Free
Step 1
Step 2
🔥 Step 2

Choose/Add Your Ideal Keywords For Tracking

  • AI suggests relevant keywords for your brand.
  • Add your chosen keywords manually.
  • Track these keywords on social media platforms.
Sign Up For Free
🔥 Step 3

Browse Posts Found From Your Chosen Social Medias

  • View posts that match your ‘keywords’ from chosen socials.
  • Click "Refresh" button to get the latest and most recent posts.
  • Use “View Post" button to open and engage with the posts.
Sign Up For Free
Step 3
Step 4
🔥 Step 4

Now We Write You AI Replies Mentioning Your Brand

  • Each AI-generated reply is tailored to specific posts
  • Naturally includes your brand and key messages
  • AI crafts quick, effective responses, saving time.
Sign Up For Free

Bizreply Private Community

Join our private facebook community to share insights, gain exclusive access to tips and strategies, and network with other professionals using to boost their social media engagement. Together, we can achieve greater success.
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